Sunday, February 21, 2010

To move on or not to move on...?! Plus an attempt at an uplifting post!

Ok well the title to my post is stupid, I know the answer to that question, I know I have to move on...I get it. Does that mean that knowing that makes it any easier? Let me tell you the answer to that question is - NO. Jim just picked Brian up to hang out for an hour or two...they are taking a quick trip to McDonald's after Jim runs to his apartment to change, then supposedly Jim has to run to Lake Placid to pick something up for his boss at Gore (totally possible but in my mind very unlikely.) Why would he need to go change if he was just riding to Placid by himself for a quick work related errand? I still feel like I'm playing Matlock when it comes to deciphering what Jim says, and what little information I get from or about him, which I have no right to be doing ; technically that is. Sometimes I'm totally at peace with our separation, and other times it still rips me apart, mostly when I think about him being with someone else - which I assume is a normal reaction, right? He promised me up and down that he would tell me when something like that happened, out of respect and courtesy, but I still don't believe that he will. I don't know, I don't want to make this entire post about my issues regarding Jim...blah even I'm sick of hearing myself talk, write or think about it, I don't want to put you all through the same misery. So let me think of something else to write about shall I? I received quite a few comments, both on my blog, facebook and face to face, about my "Grief and Loss" post...a lot of people we saddened by the things I wrote; for many different reasons. With Steve it's because so many of my friends feel the same as I do about his death, and the loss we all shared due to it. With my grandfather, I think my closest friends just honestly still feel a great amount of empathy towards me when it comes to that, and many can relate because of their own losses (by the way today is the anniversary of his death.) And with Ellis, many of my friends knew him, more of my friends saw what his death did to me first hand and did all they could to help get me through it, and other's put themselves in my shoes and wonder what they would do if that type of situation happened to them...either way that post did hit a nerve with quite a few I promised my best friend Katy, that I would attempt to write something a little more uplifting for my next I'm going to try and do that.

Wow you don't really realize how melancholy and drab you are until you attempt to write something uplifting and you can't think of anything...damn. Ok so how 'bout some funny/nice/heartwarming stories, eh?

Story #1 - I've always been obsessed with Broadway, I love it love it love it. When I was 17 I became even more obsessed with the musical Rent and wanted to go see it in NYC more then anything in the world. The guy that I was dating at the time, Matt, had never been to NYC and wanted nothing to do with going to see a musical for sure. The day before my 18th birthday I drove out to visit him at his family's house for a BBQ that was supposed to be for my birthday/his going away party...he was leaving to spend a semester abroad in Denmark later in the month, of course I was heartbroken. When I got to his house his mom and I started planning this BBQ when he called me up to his room. He said he couldn't wait any longer to give me my present, so I was going to get it a day early. He handed me this card - I of course was thinking "where's the big package, huh, lol" I opened the card and a piece of paper fell out along with two train tickets. On the paper was a picture of the advertisement for RENT, and the tickets were to NYC! I was ecstatic, and I got to spend my 18th birthday in NYC with a guy I was totally in love with, watching the show I had been dying to see. After note : he slept through the entire show, but I barely noticed, and sang along to every word of the play.

Story #2 - One night while Jim and I were together, engaged I think but no Brian yet...Katy called me and asked if I wanted to hang out with her, Molly and our friend Laura. She said we were going to go to Glens Falls and see a movie or something. I called Jim at work and told him I was going out, but would probably be home around 8 or 9 PM...ha. When Laura drove up with a car full of my crazy friends I was informed that we were no longer going to Glens Falls but to MONTREAL...just for a few hours they assured me. I was a nervous wreck but went in spite of it. We went, we drank a little, we gambled a little...and on the way home I called Jim to tell him we would be a little late - then informed him that we were crossing the Canadian border : he was pissed - asked why I freak out if he wants to go down the road to the bar with his friends, but I can just leave the country without telling him, lol.

Story #3 - This will be my last story, but it involves most of my dearest friends so here we go. It is the legendary story of my sophomore prom...our school is so small 9th-12th are invited to prom. I went with a good friend of mine Dan, but I was crushing on and semi-dating this guy Ray. Ray went with Julie who was dating this guy Nick. Katy went with Nick (they were dating when the prom thing was arranged but were now broken up and each had knew SO's, but still went together.) Katy was also now dating Nick's best friend Ryan, who didn't go to prom, but showed up before the after prom party to steal Katy away. Oh and I didn't mention that my date Dan was crushing hard-core on my friend Jen, but she went with this kid Chris...are you following? We also all shared a table together, it was a riot. After the bowling thing we all did for the after prom party, we all loaded in two cars to head home. I rode with Dan in his big Bronco...which was loaded up...then Ray drove in this tiny little car - I forgot what kind, but it looked like a clown car - which was also filled. About 15 minutes before we made it back to our town, Ray trying to be a smart ass passed Dan on a double yellow line at 5 AM...all of a sudden all of us in Dan's car realized that Ray's exhaust was hanging on the road, and sparking all over the place - so we started beeping and honking to get him to pull over. We all get over on the side of the road, Ray gets out of his car and starts laughing and pointing to Dan's Bronco, which now had a flat tire because a piece of Ray's exhaust broke off and punctured the front tire of his truck. So now here we are, all in prom-wear, 5 AM, on the side of the road, trying to tie up Ray's HOT exhaust so we at least had one functioning vehicle. Then we ALL piled into this clown car, all on top of each other and drove home. After we dropped everyone off, I was the last in the car, and acting like the 15 year old I was all nervous to be alone with Ray, lol. The whole situation worked out great for me because my parents were planning on going to Niagara Falls as soon as I got home from the prom, and they even scooted out early so Ray could come over and watch a movie with parents trusted me so much at that age, I was a goodie good girl, prude as can be, and honest as they didn't think twice about allowing me to have a boy over without supervision. So all and all it was a great night, I had a blast, our dysfunctional group all survived some awkward moments, and it turned into a good story.

So that's it for my attempt at being funny or light instead of being sad and heavy all the time in this blog...hope you all at least chuckled...I'm sure anyone who read this who was involved in any of these stories at least enjoyed it. I'll write more later probably, but I can't promise that it won't be my normal, life sucks attitude, lol. Have a great evening!

1 comment:

Julie Wolfe said...

It's really funny the stories from high school that we forget! That was a prom to remember for sure! I remember how awkward it was for sure, but also how much fun we had... I also remember when Ray passed Dan's car... I was in the front seat of his car... haha... good times Krista! :)