Sunday, February 28, 2010

random stuff

There isn't much to write about. About as exciting as my day got was when I took Brian outside to play with a couple kids who's grandfather lives next door, sweet huh? I've decided to officially start the job hunt again...if I can't find anything then I'll have the Barking Spider to fall back on, but if I can find anything I'll take it. Also, a couple guys I know pretty well just bought a motel with a bar inside, and they'll need help when it opens, so that another option - who knows? Understandably I just need a job desperately, and not JUST for the $, but for my sanity, just to get out of the house, around adults, and to do something that makes me feel more productive then just what I do here. I'll let you know how that goes for me :O)

So random - I was sitting here last night trying to think of old old old friends or just random people I used to know, either from when I was a kid or people I only met for a short time. I typed in this kid's name that I hadn't seen since 4th grade, he was my very first crush, lol. I actually found him and sent him a quick message along with a friend request, he accepted, and who knows if we'll ever talk but it's still so neat and just so funny to me. I love that about facebook, that you can pretty much count on most people having an account - especially in my age group, so it's not too hard to actually find someone. Now I'm racking my brain trying to remember other people, it keeps me busy and entertained so at least there's that.

I really don't have shit to write. So instead of trying to come up with little odds and ends of information, I'll just write when I actually have something worth reading, ok? I'll be writing soon I'm sure.

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