Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A terrible day, with a shred of good news....

I woke up at 5:00 AM and should have known right then and there that it was going to be a bad day...I woke up because Brian started freaking because he had a small bloody nose. So I got him cleaned up and it to stop bleeding and he of course was wide awake, so we woke up. My dad told me I couldn't go to outpatient, which I really wanted to so I could finally talk to my counselor. I could not go because my mom had a hearing for a disability claim and he was feeling lousy and was scared to be home alone with Brian - obviously a valid reason. A few hours later I called 911, which I've done a half dozen times with him but it never gets easier. Then a little while after that I went to a family members house to get online - with specific permission - I wouldn't go in anyone's home without them knowing after my addiction, due to the person I was and the crap I did, eg. Stealing. Anyhow Brian and I went right upstairs and he started playing with a puzzle and another family member who lives also in this home yelled upstairs and asked what the hell I was doing there. I explained, and he just said "well I don't trust you." So I got Bri dressed and we left. I can understand why people would feel this way, but it still hurts when your family thinks that their home isn't safe if your in it. My mom got home a little while ago, she stopped at the hospital after the hearing and was sure that my dad was being sent home. I guess the Dr. said there was nothing they could do, this is just the normal progression of the disease...which is emphysema for all who don't know. But they did a cat-scan anyways on his brain just to be sure. Well just as I'm on my way out the door to go to the hospital to pick him up I called the hospital just to double check the status...and now he's admitted. I guess the cat-scan came back inconclusive, and they have to run more neurological tests. Who knows. He was really out of breath, super shakey, dizzy and confused - so maybe they think it was a mini stroke, but again that's just a guess, I have no idea until I hear more.

Now for the shred of good news. I've been dying to hear from that one guy who is opening up the new pub in town - I've definently mentioned that before. I had left him a message and a note on the front door of the business, hoping he would still need people before the place opened. Well just as I was giving up on it, he called today and I'm going to meet him tomorrow for an interview. I'm pretty confident, once I'm at the point where I know there is a need for someone, and they can meet me and talk to me, I usually do pretty well. Again I'll act like I have thus far on the job hunt, with openness and honesty and just pray for the best. Either way I'm psyched to have heard back and I'll be sure to let you know how tomorrow goes on all fronts. For now I have to go, and without even doing the random info. for the day - lucky you :O) Keep your fingers crossed for my dad, and for the job interview.

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