Tuesday, January 26, 2010


No real news. I spoke with her GI specialist today at the hospital and they are going to run a bunch more tests, drain her belly, test the fluid, and see what exactly is happening. He said it looks like there are 4 or 5 liters of fluid in her stomach right now, so it's obviously uncomfortable and painful. It looks like this can either be acute liver disease and or failure, or chronic - we are hoping for acute because if it isn't then a transplant would be the only option, all they could do for her other then that would be bandaids, again we will just have to wait.

It's a lot to deal with obviously, but we're holding up as best as we can. I wish Jim was more helpful and or empathetic about the situation, but as of now he really hasn't been...but maybe he'll stand up and do the right things and be there for the family he has called his for 8 years, but I can't bank on his support and comfort so I'm finding other ways to deal and other people to talk to...including my counselor who I went and saw this morning before going to the hospital. So it's all I can do. Thanks to all the people who have been in touch and been praying for my mom.

It sounds cheasy but I just keep saying that damn serenity prayer they teach you in AA...God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Feel free to call the house, I'll be in all night - and I can't call long distance so it limits my phone usage. Love to you all and I will keep you posted.

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