Friday, January 29, 2010

Another quick one.

Hey everyone. I'm staying in town today and taking a day off from the hospital. Mom is in isolation because she has flu-like symptoms so she's in a single room with a mask on - just what she needed, right? Her fever was down enough though this morning to do the Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. I don't have much faith that either will tell us why she's having such severe enimea - she's had all these tests done before, in the last 15 months actually, and nothing was figured out. I'm actually a little annoyed with Glens Falls Hospital, I just have a hard time understanding how it can be so hard to figure something like that out...but there is a very good chance that another hospital couldn't come to a diagnosis either - so we'll just again have to wait and see what happens. As for now though her blood levels and counts are holding stable since her last transfusion which was the first night she was there, so that's good, and it tells us that the problem isn't as critical as I guess it could be.

I'm not sure when she'll be home, I'm assuming not until Monday, but of course that's just a guess. She's just still so weak and uncomfortable I can't see her coming home before then, if even then. She has been on a clear liquids diet too for 4 days, so that isn't helping her energy level...but today I think they are going to reintroduce solids again. I'd like to see if also before she came home they could try to remove a little more fluid from her belly, it's obvious that there is still some left - and I'd like for when she came home there to be a clean slate - sort of speak - so we know for sure if she is still retaining fluids after the alcohol is eliminated from the equasion. We just filled out the paper work so I'm her health care proxy, which makes it easier to get information and get my opinions and or concerns heard, so I'll see what we can figure out before she does come home.

It might sound so stupid that we're considering this at such a hectic time...but dad and I are thinking of getting a puppy -- that will grow to be a small dog of course. Mom has wanted another dog since our last one died, and now we don't even have our cat so the house seems empty with no pets...especially to mom. It would also be great for Brian. I just think it would be good for her to have something to snuggle with, take care of and love...pets are very theraputic also. It's not something we'll just jump into, but I think it would really be good for her...also when she starts feeling a little better it might push her to get outside a little, possibly go walking again, stuff like that. So yeah it might sound nuts that we're contemplating it, but I think the benefits would outway the extra work and expense. We'd also obviously not spend a cent on the dog, my family likes MUTS, not the stupid pure breeds, lol.

I'm gonna get going. I have to run and get some juice at the store and head home to deal with my crazy child. It's so nasty outside, windy and freezing, that I can't exactly take him out to do anything, so I'll have to come up with other ways to get rid of some of that energy....

I'll write more tomorrow, if not again tonight. God know's I might want to escape Brian and Dad and come back over to use the computer later on, :O)

Take care, thanks again for your prayers, and much love.

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