Saturday, January 16, 2010

A fun night...

First off I must admit that I have allowed my excitement to get the best of me. I misunderstood something that my Aunt had told me about her discussion with the owner of the Barking Spider...he said that he'd try to get in touch with me today, and TRY to get me on the first week's schedule. So although it looks like I have a great shot, it's not 100% set in stone yet, I'll be sure to tell you all when I know more. This is a tad embarrassing, but it's so me to jump to conclusions...and like I said let my excitement take over, lol. Again though my chances are looking awesome, and I have a strong feeling that it will all fall into place.

Anyways I had a great time last night. Anyone who hasn't tried out the new restaurant at Laura's needs to do so. I was so impressed by the menu, service and how that old apartment was transformed into this beautiful restaurant. Then of course we went downstairs and had a great time, seeing some people I hadn't seen in forever and catching up with Molly. More than anything else of the night it was Molly that made it phenominal, and reconnecting with her was more then awesome. I got home around midnight, hung out and went to bed and slept like a baby. So yay for my first night back out with people who aren't in a rehab, or massive drug addicts, lol. That sounds terrible, and it's obviously not like I don't love and appreciate all the people I've met during this journey, but it is nice to talk to people about things other then all the heavy shit I talk about all week at outpatient.

Again I got online today and received some awesome letters from people who have been reading this. People I went to elementary school with, and very good old friends, it's shocking but so great. I think I'm picking my dad up from the hospital today. They couldn't figure out what caused him feeling like he did, other then of course that this is just the next step of his disease...and although that is so hard to hear, on some level I have to admit that I knew it was coming. So we have some choices to make about where to go from here, possibly hospice? I have to go though, I'll probably write again later, if not I'll of course write again tomorrow.

Krista fact of today :O)
I'll drop some names here, which I'm not sure is an alright thing to do or not...I'm assuming it's fine I suppose until I hear otherwise. I also got a short note from my old friend Eli today, with just his phone number and a greeting telling me to call anytime. I had a rough time in elementary and middle school when it came to friends/boys/everything. I wasn't the most "accepted" person of my grade to say the least. When I got in 10th grade though that really started to drastically change...and a big part of that was due to some friendships I made with the then's seniors. Eli, Ray, Dan and Ryan became a huge part of my life, and to this day whether I've talked to them in years or not I love them all very much. The 5 of us did a lot of stuff together, hung out a lot, and pretty much just had fun. More then fun though their friendships meant so much to me and I felt so lucky to have them in my life. So needless to say it was great to get that little note from Eli, and although it's hard with the 5 of us being in different area's, stages in our lives, ect - I hope to try to get in touch as much as possible with them all again. That's it, I guess it was just on my mind because I was so happy to even get a small note from him. There have been many times since 10th grade that they have been there for me, during big and little things in my life. Quick example - when Jim and I were still just dating there was a period when we broke up for a short time. I was of course devistated. Eli was going to Plattsburg College then, and I was talking to him on AIM bitching and crying about the situation. He left his apartment within hours and drove all the way to North Creek to pick my depressed ass up, and brought me to Plattsburg for the weekend to just get away and have fun. It is things like that in my opinion that stick in my mind when I think of old friends and people I miss having in my life. Ok g-bye.

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