Sunday, January 24, 2010

a dull one

I'm not sure what to write about today. It's hard because out of respect for other people I can't get into some things that are happening in my life, because it's not my place to expose anyone elses dirty laundry, ya know? So all I can really say is that I'm sick of being at my house and I cannot wait to start working. It's just hard with my dad being sick, and my mom sure as hell isn't in good health either - so it's a stressful and depressing environment that I try to avoid as much as possible for both myself and Brian.

This weather has been amazing, if winter was like this all season long I would not mind it what so ever. We have just enough snow to play and to make it look pretty, but the temp. has been in the 30's so I don't mind actually being outside...I hope it stays like this till April, lol.

Wow, I have so little to say today that I'm commenting on the weather, pathetic Krista!

It's day 3 on the Suboxone and things are going well, no adverse side affects, cravings are eliminated, I'm feeling pretty decent - which is just awesome.

I don't have time to really get into much more of anything else, so I'm just gonna keep this one short and boring. If I get back online tonight I'll do a good one :O)

Krista 411 -
I used to pitch in softball, it was the only sport I was even semi good at...I'm not so athletic. Yup that's it for now, haha

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