Saturday, January 23, 2010

My 4 year old just kicked my ass...

I'm only 26 but right now I feel 70. First I did 3 huge loads on laundry, obviously including folding and putting away. Then I got Brian all dressed in winter gear to go play in the snow. Then he wanted to go sledding so we walked up to the school. We then walked up the big hill behind the soccer field like a dozen times before his sled popped. He then insisted we roll down instead, so of course I accomidated. Then it was the playground that caught his interest, so we did that. Finally we walked home. Now I feel like an old lady, every part of my body aches, isn't that pathetic at 26 I feel this way, I must be more out of shape then I previously imagined, lol.

I ended our adventure with a nice, long, HOT, relaxing shower and got dressed in nice clean clothes...and escaped over to Zat's for a little while to hide from anymore activites my kid might have planned, haha.

Today is day 2 on Suboxone. I feel good. No cravings what so ever, my head feels a little less jumbled, and a side affect that I see as a bonus is that it gives me a little burst of extra energy, which I can always use some of. So yes it's only been 48 hours, but so far so good and I'm hopeful that it will continue to make me feel better and better.

Other then that there isn't much to report. Jim and I are trying to be civil to one another, I do much better at that then he does at times. We had a little argument the night before last that left me crying like a teenage girl who got ditched at the prom, but other then that incident it's been mellow. He wants as little to do with me as possible right now, which at times seems cruel but I understand his logic. We have gone back and forth so many times, and our cycle begins by small talk and little hang out sessions, and ends with us right back in the thick of it until we fight and seperate again. So although I take it personally, and it can hurt that he barely wants to look at me or speak to me, I have to admit that I understand why it has to be that least until we can handle being friends, or even close ex's and not reverting right back into old habits.

Tonight I have nothing planned, which kinda blows...since it's Sat. and all. Dreaded Wheat, a local band that I LOVE, is playing downtown at Laura's and I would love to attend...but I have zero funds and no one to really go with, so oh well. Soon enough I'll be working and have money in my pocket on a regular basis, and hopefully a social life to go along with it. Like I said in my earlier blog today, I really feel like the pieces are starting to come together...slowly but it's starting.

I'm to tired to do my Krista 411 today so all I got favorite music is the cheasy shit like the stuff they play on 100.3 - I eat it up. My favorite restaurant is Dragon Lee, it doesn't get better then that. Finally my lucky number is 47 - I was asked that question years ago in elementary school and I didn't have a lucky number so I picked how old my dad was, and it just kinda stuck. lol. Alright that's enough worthless info on yours truly.

Love to you all.

Oh and a quote that I really love is - All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream - Edgar Allen Poe

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