Monday, December 5, 2011

Long time

Wow, I just was asked by one a friend how my blog was going....I told him I couldn't even remember the last time that I had written in it - and he told me in so many words that I should start back up because he always found my story moving and honest, which is quite a compliment. Writing has always been very theraputic for me, yet it seems like when things in my life have ever gotten too over emotional I clam up and have a hard time writing. So this will be an attempt, not promising that it'll add up to much of anything. I'm not going to try and fill people in on my entire life since I last wrote, I dont have that much time nor patience at the moment to even try to condense that much into a single post....but I will write about the most significant event that occurred, which if you know me at all, you know I'm talking about the death of my father on August 29th, 2011.

After 28 years of being ill and having so many close calls, my Dad finally lost his battle and passed away in his sleep at 10:30 PM on that Monday night in August. He had actually been doing quite well, we had no warning what so ever and although he had been sick for so long it was a huge shock to us when we got that awful phone call. I have to be grateful though because he didn't suffer that night - he fell asleep after a big meal and jokes with his nurses, a perfect last conversation and visit with my mom and died shortly thereafter from not being able to expell enough CO2.

The first week or so I was a complete puddle....then the numbness set in, which I thought was great. Now again it's hitting me like a ton of bricks. I just have so much guilt, so many things I wish I had done differently, so many 'should-a would-a could-a's.' He was the single most important man in my life (my son of course isn't a man yet) and I had been terrified of his death my entire life....God I was imagining what his funeral would be like when I layed in bed during my early childhood. It was always this big looming black monster that I built my life around, as pathetic as that sounds.

So now there's this huge gaping hole. The fact that it's Christmas time is of course making it all the more difficult. It's hard too because I feel as if my Dad was a Ghost to most people during his last years - he wasn't well enough to leave the house, he didn't have friends, no one came to visit - so it was just always it's a really lonely feeling thinking that i'm one of only 2 or 3 other people who are feeling this tremendous loss.

See I can't even write - I attempted, I failed. I'm just turning myself into a blubbering mess and that's just pointless. "Grin and Bare it" right? It's a part of life, no one escapes it. I know everyone says this, and when I lost my grandfather, and then Ellis I said it then too - but what I would give for just one more conversation, hug, "i love you." And now I wish I could just turn it off and go back to that comfortable state of numbness I was living in soon after his death - but the longer it goes the more it sinks in and the more permenant I realize it is. Thank God I have a few very close friends who are there for me, those people really have helped me keep it together these last few months. For some reason the last couple nights have just been extra rough....I have to remember though it's only been 3 months - which in all reality isn't that long when it comes to the whole grieving process. And there are good things in my life right now - wonderful things - I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom. It's just a shitty night, some are shittier then others and for right now this is right up there with the worst of em - but one thing that is pretty amazing about life, no matter how good or bad things are - they change, and one day I can feel like I do right now, and tomorrow I could be in the most peaceful place just is what it is.

But right now I'm just tired, and forcing myself to write isn't what this should be, just stating facts and rambling to try and fill a page was never the point of this I'll just stop here. Hopefully in the near future I'll be in a better place and will be able to really write about things, not just explain details, if that makes sense. So Im going to go get my beautiful little boy fed, bathed and ready for bed....I hope anyone who reads this can find themselves in a wonderful place, ready for the holidays and you are content with your life right now! I'm going to turn the faucet off and go spend the two hours with Brian before he's in bed, and pray that I'm able to sleep tonight - I will complain and whine about one more thing...nights! I won't even attempt to go to bed until I'm to the point of such exhaustion that i know I will pass right out - too many things run through my mind if I try and lie in bed waiting to sleep. Thank you to my friends and family who have listened and not told me to shut up these last few months - who have been here for me and my mom as much as possible. I dont know where I'd be without those 'good ole folks' lol :-) If you've made it this far in reading this blog I give you lots of credit, I dont know if I could handle reading someone go on and on about this kind of subject matter. Next time I write I'll try and do it in the daytime - nothing for me is as sad or scary in the day as they are at night. XOXOXO

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