Tuesday, December 20, 2011

i copied this from a blog i did almost two years ago....

What else has been going on? Quick update on the parents I suppose. Dad's actually again doing a little better, has even gained a significant amount of weight back, which was a huge issue - he was down to 110, and he's a tall man...so the few pounds he's put back on are important. I swear my father is like the energizer bunny, just keeps going and going. I even said that to him a few nights ago, he laughed and we were joking like "won't you just hurry up and die" kind of thing, which of course sounds terrible but if your reading this and know my dad, and the humor he has and that we have together you know that it's just how we are and it was actually a funny and innocent conversation. He really is astonishing though, Doctors have counted him out of the game so many times...as have I - always thinking that "it's really happening this time, he's really dying" and he always bounces back. He really is like the energizer bunny and I am damn thankful for it and hope that it continues for quite some time to come. Just can't imagine what life would be like for me without him - he's half of me - so many choices i made were to stay in the area and no be away from him - so what would happen if one day he just died? I'm sure I'd become a mess, and my whole life would loose a great deal of meaning and significance. I don't know - lets just hope he keeps fooling these Doctors and lives to be 100.

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